YSF Membership

Young Scientist’s Forum (YSF) members are young scientists such as early stage researchers / PhD students / postdocs, who are less than 40 years old, actively working or performing research in the field of biomaterials. In addition to the YSF@ESB (http://www.esbiomaterials.eu/index.php?cid=YSF&op=4), there are 12 national chapters that can be contacted in this respect (http://www.esbiomaterials.eu/index.php?cid=YSF&op=17).

If a researcher becomes a YSF member (by registering to a national chapter or directly, by contacting the YSF Board, free of charge), we recommend they also join the ESB, to fully enjoy member benefits such as access to the content of the official ESB journal, reduced rates at all IUS-BSE conferences including at the ESB Annual Conference, the Society for Biomaterials (USA) Annual Conference and the World Congress and, nevertheless, networking facilities at the password-protected, “member-only”, area of ESB’s website. For more information visit http://www.esbiomaterials.eu/index.php?cid=Membership